
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Healthy Exercise and Eating - How to Keep Your Exercise Healthy

For Maximum Benefits from Exercise, you must take a look at how Healthy Exercise and Eating relate in achieving the goals you are striving for.

What are the Goals you are trying to achieve with exercise? Do you want to:

  • Age Gracefully,
  • Live a Long and Active Life,
  • Keep Your Independence, and
  • Not be a Burden to your Children?

Are an Athlete, or not? Do you want to:

  • Build your Stamina,
  • Be at your Peak Performance,
  • Recover Faster after each Exercise Session, and
  • Be Less Prone to Injury?

How is your attitude toward the exercise?

Attitude determines if you continue with your exercise or not and it is not uncommon to have mixed emotions about it.

As I'm groaning, trying to get one more repetition in at a resistive level that no sane human being (or at least me) should even consider lifting, I think about my BMI and weight and have mixed emotions. I have not lost a single pound since I started faithfully exercising 5 to 6 days a week, two months ago, but...

  • My BMI has dropped 8 percent.
  • My tight clothes are getting loose. (I may just have to buy some new ones before these fall off).
  • I'm much more confident about myself and my appearance.
  • I feel more limber, less prone to injury and my posture is better.
  • I have more energy, my stamina has increased and feel more in control.
  • My brain feels cleared of clutter and negative thoughts, and
  • I get a good nights sleep.

These all sound like some very healthy things happening from all the exercise I'm doing, so I guess it is really "Worth It." Now the secret is to keep my exercise healthy, and this is where what you eat and what supplements you take comes in.

Did you know that your muscles need muscle glycogen as fuel to produce the energy needed for your workout plus a good supply of "B" Vitamins?

You can get this from complex carbohydrate such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains (not refined sugars and flours). These complex carbohydrates not only provide the fuel, but they also provide the nutrition your body needs to function properly.

To metabolize the fuel into energy, your body needs a good source of "B" vitamins . These "B" vitamins should preferably be in complex form, since they are in the natural combination necessary for them to work together to

  • Help with metabolism,
  • Enhance the nervous and immune systems,
  • Encourage new cell growth and division, and
  • Help keep the skin and hair healthy.

Are you aware that you cannot produce the essential and trace minerals and electrolytes your body needs everyday?

You need to supply these everyday through food and supplementation in order to

  • Keep your bones, the supporting structure of your body, strong,
  • Keep your blood vessels, nerves, muscles, heart and brain healthy,
  • Metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats,
  • Keep your immune system strong, and
  • To produce rapid nerve conduction and muscle response.

This is just a sampling of what you need to know about keeping your exercise healthy through the food you eat and the supplements you take.

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